nothing we do is worth getting hurt for., 2023
Campbell River Art Gallery, Curated by Jenelle M. Pasiechnik
Nothing we do is worth getting hurt for. examines the history of logging and its relationship with the lands and waters of Ligwiłda’xw and Huu-ay-aht territories. The artist brings together video, Google Earth mapping, sound, composite photography, screen printing, and painting in a site-specific installation to hold a conversation about our treatment of the environment, the sustainability of that treatment, and the future. Collaborations with indigenous knowledge keepers Cory Cliffe, John Albert Sharkey, Will Henderson and the students of the culture group at Ripple Rock Elementary. Additional support from Nadine Bariteau, Sarmad Almouallem, The Hakai Institute, and Shawn Decaire.
Read the curatorial essay by Jenelle Pasiechnik and more details here